Try4fitness Testimonials

Are you looking for a private personal trainer & small group sessions for Pilates, Yoga etc which are not at a large gym …then please take a look at Try4fitness ….Andy the owner is a very patient, happy chap …well he has been patient with me !! 🤣 Who has a lovely private gym & provides tailor-made PT sessions for all his client’s needs along with great nutritional advice. Whatever you want to achieve …weight loss, muscle toning, improving your overall fitness levels or preparing for a Triathlon, long-distance ride, Andy will help you to achieve your goals.

Andy has helped me stay fit & healthy & has helped my motivation to achieve my set goals. I would HIGHLY recommend Andy at Try4fitness. Jan Wick

I did it! 7.1kg and 3.8% fat loss in 5 weeks…. never have I felt healthier, happier and more motivated to get fit… thanks, team! Emma’s circuit session today was just the boost I needed! Worked muscle groups that I’m not sure I knew I had 🤣 Natty Gordon 

Andy has been training me one on one for little under 2 years and I find myself keep going back for more punishment. I couldn’t be happier with the work and effort put in by all associated with Try4fitness and will continue to work with them for the foreseeable future. I wouldn’t have considered myself athletic when I began but now I surprise myself with the levels at which I can push myself thanks to regular and productive training sessions. A must-try for anyone wanting to change their lifestyle and fitness levels!

Simon Woolfrey 

I have worked with Andy over the past year and I have been exceptionally impressed by his professionalism and his abilities as a personal trainer.

Having played professional sport for 7 years I have approached middle age with dread!  I now work in an office and needed guidance and motivation to make sure that my own well being was managed correctly.  I now have my own financial services business which means that I spend more time than I would like sitting in front of a computer.  I also now have 4 children and foster so I have a limited time for myself.

I received Andy’s details from a recommendation and I could not be happier with his services.  Andy visits me twice a week at my place of work allowing my working week not to be impacted.  Andy offers a training app that I can access anytime and anywhere from my smartphone.  This is updated monthly with a bespoke training schedule which we regularly monitor.  Andy offers advice and helps with a bespoke nutritional plan.  I initially was given a nutritional booklet offering advice and direction for meal planning.

In addition, Andy has been very flexible to my needs with regards to my other commitments and has been very easy to contact if I needed advice on any of my goals.  Andy has certainly helped me with my own well being and I would highly recommend him.

Rob Hart

Andy helped me change from runner to triathlete and complete my goal of Ironman UK. He has a wealth of experience in multiple disciplines and gave me confidence throughout training and on race day. My training plan was personalized and fitted around my fitness and schedule whilst achieving all I needed. Andy supported me mentally throughout my whole journey and was there to celebrate each of my successes and pick me up on my low days. I watched myself get fitter and quicker under Andy’s guidance and would not hesitate to recommend him.

Clare Timbrell

Other Testimonials

Andy Collins has been my Personal Trainer for about two and half years; during this time I have always found him to be very conscientious and professional throughout each of the sessions.

A year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer which required aggressive chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy; this would entail my body becoming severely compromised due to the nature of the treatment. During this period I continued to train with Andy as much as my body would allow. Throughout this time Andy gave me a great deal of support and encouragement not only physically but also mentally, especially at low points during the course of the treatment.

Without Andy’s help and support not only physically but also psychologically I feel I would not have made the recovery that I have. For that I am extremely grateful to him. I would not hesitate in recommending Andy Collins as a Personal Trainer for any age group or person’s ability or disability

Julie Oatley (started with Tri4fitness in April 2011)

Three years ago, I had a BMI of 39 – making me not just overweight, but seriously obese! I struggled alone to lose my first stone through step changes in my diet, but learnt the hard way that you don’t just wake up one day and forget how to be unhealthy. Whilst I knew I had achieved something to that point, it definitely wasn’t where I wanted to finish. I met Andy for the first time on his nutritional programme and have never walked away from a session not having learnt something new or been given another boost. Last summer, determined to make that year the last time I was too embarrassed to go to the beach, I started fortnightly personal training sessions with him. They are great because they are informal, enjoyable and tailored to suit you. My fitness and weight loss have improved every week and I have now lost over six stone – something I used to laugh off as unachievable in the beginning. The support Andy gives is invaluable and I am now more confident than ever to continue towards my ultimate goal of 100lb loss as a result.

Liz Richard (started with Try4fitness in January 2011)

When I first started I weighed about 18st 10lbs, suffered from chronic tiredness and a distinct lack of enthusiasm. At the end of last year I lost both my grandparents within weeks of each other and I was also diagnosed with sleep Apnoea and explained my chronic tiredness. Andy looked at my diet and lifestyle and made some suggestions to assist me and in the last 6-8 weeks I have lost 10lbs in weight and feel a lot fitter.

My enthusiasm has grown as well as my confidence a huge amount in the last 6 months. Andy is certainly a motivator as well as a person who likes to see his students succeed.

Pete Sincocks (started with Try4fitness in July 2008)

Having Andy as a Personal Trainer has not only improved my health and fitness,but has completely changed my outlook and attitude towards it. Within 6 months I have lost weight toned up and most importantly, I can now fit into that “Special” pair of jeans.

Mary Shaw (started with Try4fitness in March 2006)

It’s true what they say – you get out what you put in. Try4Fitness makes the “putting in” bit challenging, rewarding and most of all, fun.

Ben Temperton (started with Try4Fitness in January 2005)

I have always found Andy very helpful in adapting our training sessions to strengthen areas, if I have been struggling with aches and pains. In my job I drive a lot and do suffer with this type of problems. He has also been able to demonstrate useful stretching techniques if a particular area of the body is causing a problem, which I have then used outside of our sessions. If I have found these either infective or troublesome to perform he has demonstrated how to modify these to be more effective.

Over the last 5 years I have always found Andy helpful and willing to go beyond just delivering an exercise session. He does push me, which is what I pay him for, but when he sees I am struggling knows when to stop and ensure, injury is not going to occur.

I would recommend Andy to any of my family, friends or colleagues who wish to take their exercise beyond the casual gym use.

Ian Mumford (Started with Try4fitness 2005)

A little over a year ago I weighed nearly 23 stone and decided it was time to do something about it. So I re-worked my eating habits through re-educating myself as to what was good to eat and what I should avoid. Perhaps the biggest and scariest thing I did was joining the gym. At first I was terrified of what people might think of me being in there. However, all my fears proved to be unfounded as both the staff and all the people going to the gym were lovely and very kind. It helped having a programme tailored specifically for me so I could achieve my goal of losing some weight. Needless to say it didn’t come easily and I’ve had to put in a lot of hard work and hours to get to where I am now and I have managed to shed just over 7 stone.

Tristan Bodman (Started with Try4fitness 2003)