SAS and Tough Mudder Training


SAS & Tough Mudder Training Blog 2

So, the first week of training complete, and wow what a week that was.

The training side of things open my eyes a little to where my conditioning level is, for example the video attached, pull ups I’ve never been great with any way, but can grind out 10, but this workout was 5 reps at the end of every round of these powerbag burpees rounds being 21reps first round then 18-15-12-9 till eventually 5 reps. Safe to say my arms were useless after that.


Here’s a look at the training programme I’ve started with.

Workout 1Workout 2Workout 3
Warm ups250m Row

10 x KB Swing

10x Burpee

3 Rounds

1 k Row

5 x Pull Ups

10x Push Ups

15x Squats

3 Rounds

400m Jog

400m Run

400m Sprint

15x Jumping Squats

2 rounds

StrengthBench Press

Bent Over Row

Hammer curl to Press

Lat Raise

Back Squat

Split Squat

Hanging Leg raise

Nordic Leg Curls

Sumo Deadlift

Push Press

Renegade Row

Pull ups

Conditioning20 Box Jumps

20 KB Swings

20 Press Ups

3 x round for time

5 Pull Ups

10 Press Ups

14 Renegade Rows

18mins continuous

10 Push Press

10 Burpees

10 Hanging Leg Raises

5 x rounds for time


Still feeling my way through it, all sessions should start with a bit of mobility work, stop me feeling too bad the following day. As well as including 2 runs a week and a couple of extra full body conditioning sessions.

Fortunately, my brother is doing the SAS event with me so we’ve already had a couple of awesome outdoor training sessions together.




It has certainly been a change of styles for me, my strength work I have kept it simple otherwise my energy is drained when doing the conditioning after. I do look at upping the conditioning a lot over time, but I must ensure my body is happy with this 5 – 6 days a week.

Next step is to get my food intake on point…

